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Dr. Nurat Allison

Home  /  Dr. Nurat Allison
Dr. Nurat Allison
(713) 239-2338
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Board certification in immunizations and led the COVID-19 vaccine protocol establishment for seniors during the pandemic for CVS Health

Nurat Allison, PharmD, is a licensed clinical pharmacist in the state of Texas. Her pharmacy career began in 1998, when she graduated from Mercer University School of Pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia with a Doctor of Pharmacy degree. She has worked in various pharmacy practice settings, mostly in retail for the last 20 years in establishments such as Big B drugs, Eckerd’s, Randall’s, Kroger and currently, CVS Health. She has served as a Pharmacy Preceptor for the last 10 years, mentoring and training pharmacy students. She holds a board certification in immunizations and led the COVID-19 vaccine protocol establishment for seniors during the pandemic for CVS Health. She also served as the community liaison for CVS Health’s opioid education program for four years, educating thousands of middle and high school students about the dangers of opioid abuse.

When she is away from the pharmacy, she volunteers with the Mumineen Health Systems and Social Services as a member of the board and with Masjid Al Salam as the event coordinator for seniors. She enjoys spending time with her husband, four children and extended family, and celebrating her friends. She is passionate about mentoring students and empowering women to attain new skills and financial independence. She also helps with refugee resettlement and has participated in several community health fairs. In the past, she has served as a council member for the Islamic Society of Greater Houston (ISGH) for four years, the Sisters at Large for Masjid Al Salam for four years, the secretary for the National Council on Nigerian Muslim Organizations for eight years and as a board member of Masjid Al Mumimeen Foundation for four years. Her hobbies include shopping and traveling the world.

Specialty Director
Degrees M.D. of Medicine
Training Doctor of Pharmacy
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