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We Are

Mumineen Health System and Social Services Inc. is a non-profit, 501(c) (3) organization dedicated to delivering affordable healthcare and essential social support services to the underserved and underprivileged across the Greater Houston Area. Mumineen Clinic (formerly Shifa Mumineen Clinic) was established in October 2017 by a group of Physicians and Healthcare professionals from Masjid-ul-Mumieen. The vision was to provide accessible quality healthcare to families and individuals with little or no access to preventive and primary care services.

Mumineen Clinic (formerly Shifa Mumineen Clinic) started its humble beginnings in 2 small office rooms at Masjid -ul- Mumineen. Over the past 6 years, it has expanded its services and location and now operates from its new medical facility serving the diverse Greater Houston communities.

The Clinic is run fully by volunteer Board Certified Physicians and Healthcare Providers.


Our Clinic is run fully by volunteer Board Certified Physicians and Healthcare Providers

Chronic disease care management, Well visits, One-on-one health consultations, Annual checkups, Health Screening

If you require specialized treatment, our team can assist you in obtaining referrals to trusted specialists

We are committed to supporting patients make better lifestyle choices to prevent, manage and improve chronic conditions and enhance well-being

Access to affordable diagnostic imaging services like X-ray, Ultrasound, CT Scans, Mammogram, MRI

Our cancer screening program is designed to systematically screen individuals for signs of cancer

Satisfied Patients

Our Mission

To provide a comprehensive healthcare facility where members of the community can obtain quality individualized care in a compassionate, respectful, and private environment.

Our Vision

Affordable quality healthcare to underserved, uninsured, low-income individuals and families free of stigma and discrimination.

Our Services

Mumineen Clinic offers top-quality Preventive and Primary medical services with care coordination approach.